Parents who are used to sending your children to a physical school, whether the public school in your community or a local private school, you’ll love this! Luckily, the feedback that we’ve received is mostly positive about how school districts and private schools and local teachers are adjusting and pivoting to the new way of school.
From the first day that the Governor announced the extended break, there was an outpouring of resources on social media, most notably Facebook. At first, I thought this was awesome! Then as the resources kept coming and everyone was sharing, it quickly moved to, “WOW! This is overwhelming!”
Read the full Safer at Home order HERE.
School buildings are still closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 year.
Do you feel overwhelmed?
Breathe. In. Out. Slowly.
Not to say to throw everything away that you have seen before this, but the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has partnered with Milwaukee PBS and PBS Wisconsin to create a plan to support all the in-home learning that has been going on since March 16.
The plan begins on March 30.
The Ultimage Wisconsin At-Home Education Plan
If you click or tap through to the Facebook post linked above, you’ll find all the details. To summarize, they are changing all the PBS programming to be educational quality to be used as a supplement to the distance learning.
You can see from the graphic that content aimed at grades preK-3 (my kids ages’) will be broadcast at the times in light blue Middle school aged students can find content where there is the middle shade of blus, leaving the dark blue for content aimed at high schoolers.
"PBS Wisconsin will dedicate the 5 a.m.-5 p.m. daytime weekday schedule below on The Wisconsin Channel, or PBS Wisconsin-2, to educational programming that includes specific blocks of time for pre-K through 12th grade levels and covers subjects, including English language arts, social studies, science and math."
PBS Wisconsin
This transition to distance learning, has been a learning curve for most if not all parties: districts, schools, teachers, parents, and students. However, the outpouring of support to help parents and students still have access to educational tools has been nothing short of amazing!
This is obviously via television or online streaming, so if you were a parent worried about your child and the amount of screen time they are receiving, here’s a great way to make that screen time educational! Access these resources via online streaming HERE.
Find additional educational resources in our Social Distancing Idea Guide below ⤵️

40+ Social Distancing Ideas for Kids and Families
Find and add fun things to do at home to fill the time during this extended break.
Will you take advantage of this free resource? Let us know below through the comments of through our social channels.
Stay healthy. Stay well. Stay learning.
Wondering about Fall 2020? We just don’t know yet.
Milwaukee Brewers l Summer Slugger Educational Program
If you have children really into the Brewers, the MLB has launched a Summer Slugger Educational game. Parents, if this seems like something your children would be interested in, head HERE. Then sign up your children with the Brewers. Your child will be able to pick a background and avatar for their baseball card. The games in series 1 are Number Zone and Word Catcher. As we play more, more series unlock. It’s a great way to keep up the learning while enjoying a game atmosphere with the best baseball team!
Will you sign up your kids? Let us know!