In 2017, my family and I EXPLORED ALL ELEVEN of the WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS in one year. As a lover of public libraries and books in general, I thought it would be fun to visit all sixteen WAUKESHA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES during the summer of 2019. The Waukesha County libraries are part of the BRIDGES LIBRARY COUNTY system, which allows patrons to borrow and return books from any of the 24 libraries within Waukesha and Jefferson counties.
Alice Baker Memorial Public Library
820 E Main Street
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-2800
The twelfth stop of my tour took me to the Alice Baker Memorial Public Library. My day started a bit earlier than usual, so I knew I would arrive in Eagle 45 minutes before the library was to open. Thanks to the February Lake Country Currents gathering, I knew a local coffee shop was just up the road. After enjoying a lovely latte and muffin breakfast, I ventured to the library. Although this is a new to me library, I’ve passed it a number of times en route to Camp Alice Chester.
You can even explore the Eagle Nature Trail, which connects the library to the neighboring Eagle Elementary School. The trail showcases plants from the mid to late 1800s, before Eagle was even settled, allowing visitors to experience the biotic legacy of this part of Wisconsin.
Strings of origami cranes from the ceiling welcome patrons upon entering the library. The children’s section is to the left, where you’ll find a number of puppet friends ready for imaginary play.
The circulation desk is towards the middle of the library. The friendly staff members were busy greeting patrons by name and helping them get set up on the internet. They’ll be more than happy to help you get a library card.

Puppet Play

The puppets in the children’s area made me smile, because a) they’re cute (particularly the hedgehog) and b) they encourage imaginary play. The tree “growing” in the corner reminded me of the tree within the Menomonee Falls Public Library.

The children’s area is full of puzzle and kid-sized furniture. You’ll find carousels of books (just like those at the Delafield Public Library) separating the children’s and the young adult sections.

Pop on in for Pop Up books

Tucked towards the back of the library, high on a shelf are a collection of amazing pop-up books. These books are for display only, but be sure to find them to explore the ocean, cookies, mittens, and Star Wars. I had a lot of fun looking through them.
Similar to the Town Hall Library, the Alice Baker Memorial Public Library does not have any dedicated study rooms, but you’ll find various areas to sit and study.

You’ll need to get out of your vehicle to return books in the book drop. The library asks that the book drop be used when the library is closed. Materials can be returned to the circulation desk during regular library hours.
Twelve down, six to go.