The Pauline Haass Public Library will reopen with limited services on June 1, 2020.
In 2017, my family and I explored all eleven of the WAUKESHA COUNTY PARKS in one year. As a lover of public libraries and books in general, I thought it would be fun to visit all sixteen WAUKESHA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARIES during the summer of 2019. The Waukesha County libraries are part of the the BRIDGES LIBRARY COUNTY system, which allows patrons to borrow and return books from any of the 24 libraries within Waukesha and Jefferson counties. One card: twenty-four libraries.
Pauline Haass Public Library
N64 W23820 Main Street
Sussex, WI 53089
(262) 246-5180
NEW IN SUMMER 2022: Teen Photography Contest!
Share your creativity in their annual Teen Photography Contest, open to those entering grades 7-12 in the fall! Teens may submit one photograph per category. Categories include People, Architecture, Nature, Macro Photography, and Still Life. Photos must be submitted via email to by July 31 to be considered. Winning photographs will be displayed in the library and on banners along Main Street. While the photos are on display, library patrons will have the opportunity to vote for a People’s Choice winner both in the library and on social media. Entry instructions, the judging rubric, and more are listed on the library’s website: Submit from July 1 – 31, 2022.
I’d heard that the Pauline Haass Public Library has a great kids’ section. I didn’t know what to expect, because aren’t all kids’ sections amazing with books and fun resources? After stepping into children’s section, I understood.

Service and stuffed animals welcome
A veterinary clinic at the library? Why did no one tell me this? If I had known that the library has it’s very own veterinary clinic for (stuffed) animals, then I would brought Honey & Husky. (They will definitely be joining me for my next visit to the Pauline Haass Public Library.) This pretend play area has kennels, supplies, and beds for animal friends and their humans to explore. Pretend play develops children’s language, social, emotional, imagination, and thinking skills, so it was fantastic to see this space available for children and their stuffed animals.

Full STEAM ahead
Across from the veterinary clinic, you’ll find a Science Technology Engineering Arts & Math (STEAM) makerspace. This area provides kids the opportunity to create cool projects, to code, and to explore through a microscope.

Paper and audio and ebook, oh my!
Of course the library has numerous books and resources that can be checked out in the children’s section. Seating areas look out towards a meandering path that separates the library from the municipal building. Teens have their own area of the library with comfy seating and natural lighting.
Did you know that your library card can access Flipster, allowing access to magazines in digital format, and Overdrive, providing audiobooks (a great for families to enjoy stories together in the car) and ebooks.

Need a study room?
The library has five study rooms – one had computer equipment. The four study rooms without computer equipment each had two chairs and reminded me of the Oconomowoc Public Library study rooms (minus ERIN GUENTERBERG). Ha!

Book & bike friendly
We all know that libraries are book friendly, but the Pauline Haass Public Library seems especially bike friendly. You’ll find a couple of bike racks outside of the library. The READ bike rack brought a smile to my face – it’s bike rack meets public art meets public service announcement.
You will need to get out of your vehicle to return items to the exterior book drop. If your vehicle is a bicycle, then you can ride right up to the book drop.
Burn off some steam
After exploring the STEAM makerspace, caring for your animal friends, and borrowing bags of books, you may want to burn off some steam at the nearby playground, which is on the other side of the parking lot from the library. This play area has structures for bigger kids and little kids and a swingset.
Four libraries down, twelve to go…

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