Having the kids’ home all day, along with navigating the changing world can be stressful, to put it lightly. Luckily, there are lots of ideas shared in our community to make the day fun, entertaining, and productive. (And thank heavens for funny memes!) After the kids are sleeping, make sure to still take time for you and your significant other. Here are 20 fun ideas to beat boredom and spend quality time together at home once the kids are in bed.
20 At Home Date Night Ideas
1. Turn the kid’s daytime fort/tent into a date night oasis. Add lights, lanterns, candles, pillows, blankets apps and drinks.
2. Have a wine or beer tasting. Many restaurants offering wine/beer to go. Check out options here.
3. Make a bucket list for projects you want to complete over the year or activities you want to do as a family.
4. Have a romantic dessert night. Break out that fondue pot you received as a wedding gift and may not have used yet. (You know it’s true!) Try this chocolate fondue recipe!
5. Sit down and watch your wedding video or look through your wedding photo album. Awe!!
6. Do a craft or build something together. LEGO isn’t just for kids!
7. Plan your summer garden or landscape plan.
8. Lay out a blanket in the family room and have a picnic.
9. April 19 is National Grilled Cheese Day. Make different gourmet grilled cheese to sample. One of my faves!
10. Play board games. Clue, anyone?
11. Do a puzzle.
12. Have a fire outside complete with s‘mores and a warm drink.
13. Star gaze
14. Bake a special treat together to surprise the kids with the next day. A big hit at our house is cut out sugar cookies. Decorate some together and leave a
few extra for the kids to decorate the next day.
15. Decorate the house for an upcoming season or holiday. Spring is here and Easter is coming!

Summer Date Night Ideas
Ideas to look forward to as summer approaches.
16. Plan to surprise the kids with a special breakfast in the morning. Decorate their bedroom doors with a streamer curtain and fill the hallway with balloons for an extra special surprise.
17. Watch a movie or start a show series you wouldn’t watch with the kids around. {Adults only} Like Marry Me from Amazon Prime. *Lake Country Family Fun is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases.
18. Workout together
19. Paint pottery together! Get your Art to Go kits here:
Not pottery, but a to go kit from Mukwonago
20. Create a scavenger hunt for each other! Write special notes, hide favorite candies, drinks or supplies for your significant others hobby.