We hope you are all practicing physical distancing – but nature is still open! In fact, fresh air and being outside, maybe taking a few hours to unplug, can have an amazing positive effect on your health.
*All restrooms are closed through June 2.
*Attractions at which social distancing cannot be achieved are closed at various properties; visit the park notices webpage for information about ongoing closures.
*All other facilities currently closed such as towers, shelters, playgrounds, nature centers, headquarters, entrance stations and concession buildings remain closed to the public.
A couple reminders from Lake Country Family Fun:
- Maintain a 6 foot distance from any person that is not in your immediate family.
- Practice proper hygiene of washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds prior to leaving the house, before eating anything, after touching anything public, after using a restroom.
- Avoid touching anything public.
- Stay home if you are not feeling 100%
- Abide by Chief Seattle’s famous quote:
"Take only memories, leave only footprints"
Chief Seattle
Wisconsin DNR Free Fun Weekend
On June 6 and 7, the following outdoors activities are free for Wisconsin residents and visitors alike! Entry to state parks, forests and recreation areas is free the first full weekend in June. June 6 is also National Trails Day!
- Free entry to state parks and forests
- Free fishing
- Free DNR trails
- Free ATV/UTV riding on public trails open to such uses
- Our favorite lakes in Waukesha County!
- On June 6 and 7, 2020, Wisconsin residents and visitors can fish anywhere for free in Wisconsin. No license is needed — this includes inland trout and Great Lakes trout and salmon fishing.
- New to fishing or just need to brush up on your casting? Attend one of the free fishing clinics being hosted around the state.
- Free fishing equipment for loan at 50 state parks, DNR offices, and partner organizations.
- Fishing rules such as limits, size and species of fish that you can keep do apply during free fishing weekend.
- Fish Wisconsin’s 15,000 lakes, 40,000 miles of rivers, two Great Lakes and 260 miles of the Mighty Mississippi.
State Parks Free Fun Weekend
- On June 6 and 7, all state park vehicle admission fees on all DNR-owned properties are waived.
- All state trail pass fees on all DNR-owned properties are waived.
- Cooperatively-run state trails also may waive fees on this day.
- Enjoy DNR’s dozens state trails.
Ride free ATV/UTV weekend
- On June 6 and 7, ATV/UTV owners can ride free. Nonresident ATV/UTV owners do not need to have a trail pass on these days. Enjoy the free ride!
- All other rules apply — safety education certification is required for all UTV and ATV operators who were born on or after Jan. 1, 1988.
- Ride hundreds of miles of ATV and UTV trails.
Find Free Summer Fun HERE.
Find 77 Things to do this Summer HERE.