Please thank our drop and shop Sponsor:
Lake Country Currents
Thursday, December 12– “Power Hour: Winter Networking Blitz”
- Facilitators: Erin Guenterberg, Claire Lauer, Jamie Gapinski
- Place: Vino Etcetera in downtown Oconomowoc
- Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Please dress up to make it festive and fun, business casual or cocktail.
- Bring an UNWRAPPED book to exchange, fiction or nonfiction.
- Think speed dating, but for your business!
- There will be multiple giveaways for attendees!
- Make sure you bring business cards or one-sheets!
- This month’s reads:
- LCFF, LLC is an Amazon Associate and maintains an Amazon storefront. If you purchase through an Amazon affiliate link OR the Lake Country Family Fun Amazon storefront, Lake Country Family Fun may earn a small commission, helping to fund the work of this site. Thank you for your support of our small, local business.
- Brag Better: Master the Art of Fearless Self-Promotion by Meredith Fineman *Amazon affiliate link
We have been polling in our Facebook Page and Facebook Group, and while some of you are all-stars and have all your holiday shopping done, there are the others of us (looking at me) that have a bit to go. 🤷🤦🏽
Online shopping is super handy a lot of the time – but it’s not shopping local…(unless you use a local person’s affiliate link, which I recommend to support people you know and brighten their day)… And sometimes, I need a specific gift for a specific person and it’s something I need to run and buy in person. Or it’s something I need right now (hello last minute when shipping dates have passed and packages getting lost are a total thing) and can’t wait for Prime to drop the ball and deliver in 5 days. Bringing all the kids into the stores for all the errands is not a walk in the park (sometimes Jurassic Park 😂), but not conducive to a leisurely shopping trip or a quick in and out, especially if the kids are still in car seats yet.
So, ease your life and check out one of these drop and shop events. And if you are an amazing soul with all your holiday shopping done, kudos to you! You are my #goals. And you can still drop off the kids and enjoy a day date with your favorite person if you so choose. Definitely enjoy your people while they are here ❤️
Try one or more of these opportunities. Click on the text for more details and any fees associated.
Drop The Kids and Shop
- Parent's Night Out: FULL: 11/15 & 12/13 4pm - 8pm Pabst Farms YMCA
- Kids' Night In/Parent's Night Out: 11/21 & 12/19, New Berlin Community Center
- Christmas for Kids: 12/7 1pm - 5pm Oconomowoc
- Kids' Night Out: TBD in 2024, Wisconsin Humane Society-Milwaukee
- Kids' Night Out: TBD in 2024, Soul Fire Art Studio-Delafield
More opportunities to drop and shop?
Let us know through the contact form below!

Waukesha County's Holiday Fun Guide
Brought to us by the Ingleside Hotel in Pewaukee, featuring Country Christmas.

Waukesha County's Indoor Play Guide
Brought to us by Jamie Lynch, The Face Fairy

Waukesha County's Shop Small Guide
Featuring 20+ local shops to support this season and all year long!