Have you noticed painted rocks at the park when playing with your kids or along the sidewalk on your morning stroll? Painted rock groups have really taken off locally with a benevolent intent. Back on June 1, 2017, Lake Country Family Fun shared this article on our Facebook page from Today.com about the Kindness Rocks Project. Basically, people are painting rocks, sometimes writing kind words or phrases, and then hiding them in public places for others to find. Many of these rocks are placed by organized groups of people who share their creations and hiding places and also new rocks they find when out exploring. Lake Country Family Fun rounded up the local groups below for your family to get more involved in the fun right here in our communities! Plus, it is so fun to follow along in the groups to see where rocks are hidden, found, and re-hidden 🙂
The admins of these local Waukesha County Facebook groups are so excited and passionate about their work and seeing the joy it brings to others. If you reside in these communities, please join in on their fun and promote our positive communities.
Do you want to know where to find local painted rock groups in your community?
“Get outside to the park and search for hidden painted Rocks! Re-hide them or add your own rocks at another park and leave clues here for someone else to join the fun!”
Admin, Katie, relayed, “My kids are anxious to go look for more rocks!”
Admin Amy told Lake Country Family Fun, “I started a group in Merton, because we were having so much fun participating in the Pewaukee Rocks group. I thought why not bring that fun into our home community, too. For our family, it has brought us all together to do something creative, and together which is the best part. Everyone in the family enjoys it from my 5 year old granddaughter all the way up to my 87 year old Dad. It is such a great way to spend time with your family, get your kids outside hiding and hunting for them, and most importantly putting a smile on someone’s face. To me that is the best part.”
“Mukwonago Rocks! is an ongoing painted-rock scavenger hunt in Mukwonago, WI. We paint rocks and hide them around the community with the hope that someone will find one (or more) and join in the fun. If you find one of our rocks please post a picture to this page. Feel free to re-hide it OR if the rock speaks to you, by all means, keep it! You may choose to participate by being a rock artist & hider, a rock hunter or BOTH. All ages welcome!”
Admin Patti is eager for you to join her Facebook group as it’s a “great way to bring families and friends together!”
“Welcome to Muskego Rocks! Muskego’s very own painted-rock scavenger hunt. Our goal is to have as many artists as we can to participate to help keep the fun momentum in the community. ANYONE can be a rock artist regardless of age or talent level. Read below for painting, hiding and hunting tips.”
Admin Rachel, told Lake Country Family Fun, “I try to be a positive influence to my children, 5 and 6 years old, and was hoping to have that reflect within the community, too, showing them some simple fun activities that also involve others in the community! It’s a scavenger hunt and who doesn’t like those?!” We agree 🙂
“New Berlin Rocks! is a painted-rock scavenger hunt. We paint rocks, we hide rocks, we find rocks, and we have fun doing it.
Our goal is to get as many artists as we can to participate to help keep the hunt going. Anyone can be a rock artist or a hunter regardless of age or talent level.”
Admin Mandy, relayed, “We’re just joining the craze and started the New Berlin group this week. Our first batch of rocks is going out this weekend.” – July 29, 2017
“Oconomowoc Rocks is inspired by Grand Junction Rocks in Colorado. Our goal is to spread creativity and the love of art throughout our towns community. If you find one of our rocks please post a picture on our page, then feel free to keep it or re-hide it somewhere new for someone else to find!
We encourage you to paint your own Rocks and hide your creations around town!! Please be respectful of private property and don’t take Rocks without our message on the back and don’t forget to include the message on the Rocks you paint. Enjoy and have fun!!”
Admin Meredith says, “I’m seeing more and more people asking to join every day and others are out there painting and hiding rocks with their kids!! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to hide rocks!!”
“Join us in spreading joy in our community through a simple and fun gesture, painting rocks!
Join the fun in a few ways: find (or buy) a few rocks, paint them, and place in locations throughout the community (you can choose to post where, or just do it), hunt for rocks that have been painted and placed by others and keep, exchange for one of yours, or relocate the found rock. Read and post photos and stories of rocks you’ve made or found here. […]
On the back of your rock before sealing you can put the Facebook logo and Oconomowoc Rocks! so people know where to learn more and join the fun.”
Admin Dawn, relayed, “My 12-year-old said that rock painting, “gives our family a chance to have fun.” I started the group after seeing other groups and news stories about rock painting. I thought it would be a fun thing to do with the kids. There is the arts & crafts aspect, then there is the fun of hide & seek, which gets kids outdoors and also gives them something to do while shopping with their parents. It is fun for all ages. Kids can keep rocks they find or re-hide them. When people post pictures of their finds on the Facebook groups, kids can see who ended up with their rock and see the joy they are bringing to others.”
“Pewaukee Rocks is an ongoing painted rock scavenger hunt in Pewaukee WI. We paint rocks and hide them around the community with the hope that someone will find one (or more) and join in the fun. If you find one of our rocks please post a picture to this page. Feel free to re-hide it OR if the rock speaks to you, by all means, keep it! You may choose to participate by being a rock artist & hider, a rock hunter or BOTH! All ages welcome.”
Admin Lori, is excited to be a part of this guide. She told Lake Country Family Fun, “Pewaukee Rocks is a super fun way for adults and kids to be active in our community. So far everyone is having a blast! Anyone is welcome to join by finding us on Facebook.”
“We are painting rocks to “hide” around Waukesha County/Lake Country. This is a community-building group, started by the members of Reformation Lutheran Church, S39w32887 County Rd D, Dousman, Wi 53118. You can visit Reformation’s website at http://www.rlcwels.org/ Our name “Reformation Rocks” represents the initial work of the first 500 rocks and founders of this awesome activity, Reformation Lutheran Church, but our entire community is gladly welcome and encouraged to participate!
This group is meant to inspire creativity in all ages, energize people to explore God’s creation and the beautiful area where we live, bring joy and brighten people’s day. Come join us! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call Rachel Arndt at (231)675-7592.”
Admin Rachel has stated that this is a very active group, “This initiative started July 1, 2017. We currently have almost 300 members! Come “Rock” with us!”
“Welcome to the Sussex Rocks Facebook page! Our very own painted rock scavenger hunt.
Using clues left on this page, look for painted rocks. Children can keep them, rehide them or hide their own painted rocks. Popular spots to hide could be parks, playgrounds, and the Bugline. Please do not hide rocks on private property, cemeteries, etc. Do not attach anything to the rocks as there is no guarantee it will stay on.”
Admin Melissa, told Lake Country Family Fun, “My girls really enjoy sitting together and designing the rocks. It’s a great way for them to bond and use their imaginations. When they hide the rocks at parks, they get so much joy watching other kids discover their creations. One day at Village Park, we watched as two girls found our rocks and spent the next 20 minutes finding great places to re-hide them. It’s such a simple way to spread joy.”
“If you find a rock, keep, re-hide, or replace with your own painted rock. Please post photo of the found rock on page.
Bring joy to others.”
Admin Kim, “fell in love with the idea of painting rocks and hiding/finding them from when we went on vacation in Florida to visit family. They have a few rock pages (Santa Rosa Rocks and Navarre Rocks) there and when we came home I didn’t see any around here so I decided it would be one of our community service projects for our Daisy troop I lead at school to start one here. I actually had someone post a pic finally today of one that was hidden .” – July 29, 2017
“This group exists as an act of random kindness to unexpectedly brighten someone’s day one rock at a time and to pass it on. That is our mission; our goal. In doing this, we receive benefits as well. When we are creating our mind is moved away from the stress in our lives and the issues in the world. When we hide rocks we are giving and that just feels good. When we are looking for rocks to paint and looking for painted rocks we are out in the fresh air and sunshine. When our rocks are found and posted, we are overcome by excitement.”
Admin Jill relayed, “Our group covers ALL of Wisconsin. So we encourage everyone to join us and post the rocks they are painting, where (city, county) they are hiding then and to share their excitement in finding them.”
As the mother of two girls, Erin takes an active role in the community. Find her on the go, taking advantage of every opportunity to experience new things.
Found on in park in mi. Am going to place in New Orleans. I live in southern I’ll. Am 75 married for 54 years now and love the rock idea
Awesome! We thought the rock idea was pretty fun, too 🙂