It’s OK to not feel “Happy” on Mother’s Day.
If Mother’s Day is more of a day to mourn, than by all means, mourn how you need to. Whether you’ve lost your mother or you’ve not been able to become a mother when you’ve wanted to or any other situation that puts a pit in your stomach about Mother’s Day, let those emotions out. It wouldn’t be a hard day if you didn’t care. And you do care, that is why it hurts. But at least you have put your heart out there to care. And know that you are not alone. Reach out for support for people who find Mother’s Day hard for the same reasons as you. Heal together. It’s OK not to be happy on Mother’s Day.
Hold onto HOPE.
If you are a want-to-be mother and facing infertility, first let me say, you are NOT alone. I have way too many friends that have gone or are going through infertility, and I have myself. It’s so sad but it is becoming more commonplace. I know infertility seems like an endless journey, but have hope. If you want to have a family, hold onto hope that it WILL happen. It can happen through patience, through medical intervention or through foster or adoption (which I highly promote, wink!). Have hope that God has a plan for your life and he is leading you to your meant-to-be family.
Celebrate Mother-Figures in your Life.
Remember that there are more women to celebrate on Mother’s Day than just the woman who birthed you. Maybe she has passed, or disappointment or completely abandoned you. Remember, there are “mother-figures” that step in to mother us if not simply by divine intervention. We should recognize the blessings that these women are and, in turn, start to find some joy in the day celebrating mothers and mother figures! As you may have heard by Dorothy Fisher…”Mother is a verb. It’s something you do, not just who you are.”
Celebrate the Mother-Figure YOU are to someone else.
Being an awesome aunt, grandma, god-mother, step-mother, or a special woman role model are not roles that should be over-looked. You can still celebrate Mother’s Day if you have never birthed a baby. You can still celebrate Mother’s Day if your own children are out of touch. As a woman, you have a role in SOMEONE’s LIFE. Be proud of the title of “auntie”, “God-mother” or “special friend”. You have no idea the difference you make by showing your care for another. It is not to be taken lightly. Celebrate YOUR role and cherish it! As Rita Pierson said, “Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection…”
For those of us who don’t struggle through the day, pray for and encourage those who do!
Maybe Mother’s Day isn’t hard for you. Maybe you are a mom and enjoy every second of the love and attention your children give you on Mother’s Day year in and year out. Enjoy it! Soak it in! You ARE a good mom and deserve to be recognized. I just ask that you don’t turn a blind eye to those hurting around you. For all the reasons Mother’s Day may be hard, I bet you know a friend or two in one of those positions. Reach out to them on Mother’s Day and tell them you are there for them.