Mukwonago Lions Easter Egg Hunt
April 12 @ 9:45 am - 11:00 am
The Mukwonago Lions Club is proud to present the annual Easter Egg Hunt for the enjoyment of the children of our local communities.

Where: Mukwonago Field Park Hwy 83 and NN
When: Saturday, April 12th, 2025 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am
Age Groups:
2-3 Year Olds
4-5 Year Olds
6-7 Year Olds
8-9 Year Olds
Mukwonago Lions Easter Egg Hunt Activities and Procedures:
The fun begins at 9:45 AM as the children and adults line up at the South West corner of the Field Park pavilion.
The Lions Club emcee will welcome participants and announce procedures for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Pavilion doors are then closed with all children and adults inside as the Lions Club members hide the eggs in separated areas designated by age groups.
Pavilion doors are then opened.
“Children only” then line up at a starting line just outside the doors to provide each child an equal opportunity to locate the hidden eggs.
Parents are welcome to assist the younger age groups and older age groups wherever special needs are deemed appropriate.
Simultaneously, all age groups are given the “GO” to find wooden eggs (color coded by age groups).
PLEASE – be fair – only one egg per child!
Return the eggs to the starting point door at the pavilion for your age group to redeem eggs for prizes.
Find more Easter Egg Hunts and Easter Brunches!